Welcome to
KG Migration & Education
What We Offer
We can assist you with both your migration and education related enquiries:

Study options in Australia
We have partnered with education institutions all across Australia and can assist in finding the most suitable course for you. This includes English courses, Vocational education and Higher education.
We will guide you through the enrolment process and provide our services for the preparation and lodgement of your Student visa application.
How it Works
Eligibility Assessment
The eligibility assessment is conducted during a Consultation, where you will have the opportunity to describe your current circumstances and concerns, your reasons for travelling to (or remaining in) Australia, and your overall migration goals.
We will provide you advice regarding your potential migration options, and outline the requirements for your migration option(s) and the process(es) involved.
We will then invite you to formally engage our services to pursue your chosen migration option.
Application Preparation and Lodgement
We will guide you through the whole process, including provide you the relevant Document Checklists and templates, and access to our secure Client Portal for uploading all your documents.
Once all the documents have been collected, we will revise them and provide you an initial feedback, including advise you if any further documents or information is required from you.
​Once all the documents have been finalised, we will prepare the relevant application forms for you, and lodge them with the relevant authority for assessment.
We will monitor your application until the decision is made.
Ongoing support for achieving the end goal
Most of the times getting to your end goal includes lodging multiple applications - and we will be here to support you through the entire process!
We offer free advice to our existing Clients regarding their next visa options, including provide them an overview of the subsequent visa application process and requirements.
We also provide discounted fees to our existing Clients for any subsequent applications they decide to lodge via our agency.
Our aim is to genuinely assist you to reach your end goal!
Book a Consultation !
Do you have any visa-related questions? Or do you really, really want to migrate to Australia but are unsure about your visa options, including where do start with the process?
Well, then wait no longer and book a Consultation with our Director and Senior Registered Migration Agent Kristi Georgeson (MARN 1793357) to discuss your situation and get answers to all your visa-related questions.​