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Skills in Demand Visa to replace the Temporary Skill Shortage Visa before Christmas 2024!


The Department of Home Affairs has confirmed that the existing Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) (TSS) visa will be replaced with the new Skills in Demand Visa before Christmas 2024. This includes the implementation of the new skilled occupations list.


The new Skills in Demand visa will have 3 streams:

  • Specialist Skills stream that will be for highly skilled migrants earning at least $135,000 in any occupation (excluding trades workers, machinery operators, drivers and labourers);

  • Core Skills steam will be for all other skilled employees who are included in the new Core Skills occupations list and be subject to the Core Skills Income Threshold; and

  • Labour Agreement stream, being the current TSS Labour Agreement stream.


The work experience requirement for the Skills in Demand Visa will be reduced to 1 year (this is currently 2 years for the TSS visa).


The Skills in Demand Visa will be for a period of up to 4-years. It will have a clear pathway to Australian permanent residency.


The Skills in Demand Visa will replace the existing TSS visa, including the existing short-term and medium-term streams which will be closed to new applications.

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